10 Best Trending Ways To Earn Money Online

Today on All Top 9 we came up with all the trending ways that every one makes money online with or without investment. So, here few best methods of making money online are live here. The top 10 best trending ways to earn money online are listed as follows.

10 Best Trending Ways To Earn Money Online

The 10 best trending ways to earn money online are listed as follows.

Auctions users 

Two popular auction sites including eBay and eBid, eBay is still the biggest. Some people make a living with online auctions, especially eBay, by selling large volumes of products and becoming PowerSellers. Anyone can register on eBay or other auction site and sell their personal belongings and even resell items bought at flea markets or garage sales. 

Affiliate Marketing 

In affiliate marketing you join affiliate programs or individual markets such as ClickBank, Commission Junction and PayDotCom. The market or the affiliate program provides a special link or hoplink, where you can advertise. Affiliate marketers earn a commission when buyers purchase the product through the hoplink. Fees vary based on individual membership program, but range from $ 10 to $ 100 or more in some cases. 


Blogs allow people to start writing on almost any subject and earn money through a variety of programs. The pay per click programs such as Google AdSense, give publishers the opportunity to display advertising in exchange for a small commission for each visitor that clicks on an ad. Bloggers also use traditional forms of advertising such as advertising pictures, to make money. 

Membership sites 

A membership website is to offer products and services to a specific niche of people and charge a monthly fee. There are several software programs online such as amember and MemberGate, to help website owners to create and manage an entire membership site from scratch. Membership fees depend on the particular service you are offering, but going anywhere for a monthly payment of $ 20 to $ 40 to a normal subscription. 

E-Commerce Stores 

The software like shopping carts: osCommerce, Zen Cart and Volusion allow people to create e-commerce stores on a website from scratch. User programs online such as Etsy and CafePress, give people a complete online platform from which to sell. With an e-commerce store, you you usually set your own prices for each product, which means you can earn as much as you want. 

Local directories 

Online directories act as Yellow Pages and phone for people who want to find results and information about restaurants, services and entertainment guides. Some people create local directories for individual towns, cities and regions to attract local traffic and tourism. The directory owner makes money by charging for ads, showing the "leading" companies and adding other features of pay. 


The freelance Internet offers opportunities for people who already have a given talent, some experience or something else to offer. People offer freelance services in line with the web and graphic design skills. Writing and virtual assistance are two other large groups of independent work on the Internet. Freelancers offers services in your own website or use a site like iFreelance, oDesk or Guru to find the list of projects and services. 


A popular way to make money online is through revenue sharing websites. Users often join the revenue sharing sites for free and create content that is published on the site. When the site make money with advertising programs, benefits are distributed to each of the members. 

Social lending 

Social lending sites, including LendingClub and Prosper, allow individuals to join, deposit money and selection of borrowers who would like to lend money. The interest rate that the borrower pays is the amount the lender wins. This possibility involves risk, but it can be profitable if you have money to spare. 

Online Counseling 

Counselors, psychics, spiritual counselors, medical professionals, computer technicians and other advisors can make money by providing services to others through a site like LivePerson.com or LiveAdvice.com. In general, the provider sets a per minute or per session fee upfront charges or bills customers after the chat session has ended or assistance.

10 Killer Secrets To Get More Traffic For Our Blogs or Website

There are a multitude of handbooks to increase traffic to our website, however, exist in most points with which I do not agree, or considerations that go unnoticed or are skipped altogether. With this book I want to show the public 10 tips to improve our blog (always from my point of view). Most blogs with good visitor traffic (sometimes not even that, just indexed in Google), may obtain a graph similar to the following:

10 Revealed Secrets To Get More Traffic For Our Blogs or Website

Publish entries often

The more articles you publish, your blog will have more content , a broader range of possibilities they get more views. But Eye! It is not any kind of content, try to improve the blog creating quality content (not you duplicate entries do not copy articles, generates own articles, etc. Every time you upgrade you can perform pings in many ping services for blogs as Pingoat or ping-o-matic. Use them only when you update! Before these pings was advisable to "warn" fresh and updated content. Today, simply signing up for Google Webmaster Tools to keep track of our updates on Google.

Optimize robots.txt file 

The robots.txt file exists in the root of a good blog. Many search engine robots Network, visit this file to see which pages of the site are allowed and which are not indexed. In some cases only comment that optimizing robots.txt file [in] have managed to increase traffic by more than 1400%. You can find an article that explains in detail that is the robots.txt file as used in Robots.txt: Everything you should know. 

Controls with statistics

If there is a section that every blogger is usually controls this. Have at least one service statistics to monitor how many users come to your blog because keywords (useful to know if you're using good post titles if they fit with the content of your blog) that browsers, etc. My favorite (and free) Google Analytics and StatCounter.

Also, if you have Google Analytics you can apply a little trick to control the number of clicks on Adsense banners by day, week or even from that page. 

Positioning / SEO 

Perhaps one of the most complex sections, to which he/she will less ignore without doubt the most important. Google (and other search engines) have a number of "rules" to rank pages in order of importance, the better you follow the better results obtained when position yourself on Google. 

Here are the best known: 

  • Use headings:  A google loves you use headers h1, h2, h3, ... in the HTML of your page titles and to highlight important areas. 
  • Page titles scripted:  Try changing the titles of your pages to things like page.com/art/google. Pages with page.com/?id=20&titulo=google titles do not like and do not follow them.
  • Metatags:  Use responsibly metatags. Although many believe should not be used, I think the search engines are very sensitive (depending on which). 
  • Bold:  Anecdotally, the b tag HTML (bold, deprecated by the W3C) is much more powerful than the strong tag. 
  • Page title: Google gives great importance to the title page. Choose good words to include in it. I still see pages that have things like title Untitled document or page.

Other tricks positioning

SEO in Google 

Here, are a small manual in Google SEO. With it you can get appear at the top of the results. Remember that you can only be the first position if you try too hard. 

Search engine optimization has become in recent years one of the most desirable tools for webmasters. In particular, appear in the top positions in Google is a must if you want to generate traffic to your website because Google responds to almost 60% of Internet searches. 

The tutorial that we offer will help you get a good SEO, but do not expect results in a few days or a few weeks, or perhaps months. It is a constant work -generando content, optimizing web pages and bookmark the results are looking long term. 

1. Genuine content. 

This is the main point, not only to appear in the top positions in Google, but to get people to visit your website. 

2. Technology 

Stay informed of the latest developments regarding servers or programming languages. They will make the task of managing the content much more enjoyable, and you can "more like Google". 

3. Simplicity 

The robot of Google does not like pages with excessive decorations and just looking legible text and clear content. 

4. High in Google. 

The first step to get a good position in Google is to appear in the search. 

5.  Getting links. 

It is essential to obtain a high PageRank pillar. Try appear in the main directories (Yahoo! and DMOZ) and you link from other websites. 

6. Avoid penalties

Google knows that many people will try to cheat, and is beginning to take action against websites that perform unethical practices to improve your rankings. Find out what they are and how to avoid them. 

7.  Getting Help 

The positioning requires to be constantly informed. Join our forum and the Google Dance. 

8. Terms SEO. 

Certain terms and words with which you can easily understand all documentation relating to SEO.

Avoid spam techniques 

Something that Google gives a lot of importance is to popularity. Get many links on other pages that Google will make up in its "ranking" of positions. This, on the one hand is a good evaluation system, but on the other hand is a very tempting feature for all spammer, navigating from page to page leaving links to your own site. My advice is to avoid as much as possible to perform this type of spam. Leave comments on blogs in an intelligent way (when you have something to contribute, do not do it just because to leave your link) provides signatures on forums or newsgroups to your blog (in decent shape, nothing to expand the size of the text or put gaudy or large image to see), trackbacks (only when necessary and objective), etc ... I, for example, hate sharing links. However, Google gives importance if the theme is similar and the links are natural. My advice is to use link exchange only and exclusively when the site to which you link and interests and you like when other people do not propose an exchange. So really favor quality content and do not promote spam. Another very important factor according to some polls is the reputation of the author. Obviously, if you're a spammer who goes by many pages of links leaving spam, do not take long to lose credibility. All this without mentioning the rel = nofollow have many pages (in the comments, for example). This attribute does nothing but warn that Google does not follow the links, ideal for avoiding spam comments, as they generally seek to increase their reputation getting links. 

Sets RSS feeds RSS 

The feed is a very novel and interesting invention. This is a file with information on the latest articles published on the web. So anyone can get through that file manager and all the RSS feeds of websites owned, see which were updated at once, without having to go to each site independently. As a blogger, you must find a way to provide a system of feed (Atom or other) so that readers can receive site updates comfortably. This will increase your number of visits almost certain. If you're a blogger be sure to check the option to enable this type of files. Interesting related services may be subject FeedBurner or FeedBlitz. Since RSS feeds managers as Bloglines or Google Reader you can view the number of subscribers you have your blog. 


Site Maps If you're starting out, can be quite slow wait for the robot to go through Google to index your site, as the Google bot has to "find" a link to your blog (and desperate!) another page and then go to check it out. However, there is a relatively simple way to tell Google all pages of your site and speed up the system in a very fast way. It is generating a site map (in RSS format, cited above) to access Google that file and see the links that exist, if they change the index and re-index it. This is done by generating a list of all the articles and sections of the page, with the date of last update (with optional parameters). 
In Google Webmasters you can perform various actions related Tools Sitemaps to Google, Submit site to Google and even a discussion forum among other things Google. The generation of the sitemap is very simple, but if you want to complicate your life, you can get a free program like VIGOS Gsitemap that generates the file automatically. For other search engines like Yahoo! also has a system of sitemaps. 

Quality content

As mentioned above, the content of a blog is a very important thing. Quality content will not only attract people interested in articles written, but also increase visits and search engines also will be interested in your site. Always good to write about a subject that is mastered, but need not be essential. One thing that is essential is a correct wording. Readers of a website is a lot of interest (and quite attracted to) the spelling of the author. Faults are unforgivable spelling or grammar. To avoid this, there is a great complement to the Firefox browser: spelling dictionaries. They will remarcarán misspelled words, as when you edit a Microsoft Word document. Accessible and optimization very important point. Many of the sites I visit (attention all users of MSN Spaces or Blogger) contain an awful lot of content on your home page (probably due to the inexperience of the authors). A home page (as well as any particular item) must not exceed a certain total weight set of all files (text, images, multimedia, etc ...). For example, some areas of MSN displayed once the last nine entries. Each entry has 4 or 5 images that occupy about 50kb each. In principle this would not cause any problems, but (50 * 4) * 9 = 1,800.Nearly 2 megs of page! Imagine if the poor user who wants to see it has 56Kb modem (connecting 4,5kb / s).Would need nearly 8 minute wait to have loaded the page and begin viewing! For this, there is, once again, a Firefox extension called Life of request info. When you have it installed and load a page, at the bottom of the browser will scroll information: 


Wait since the user clicks until it starts airing information. Charging time: Wait since received information begins to load until the web is complete. Page size: text, images, multimedia, etc ... Number of requests: Files linked The last three are the ones that most interest us. Acceptable values ​​could be: Latency between 0-3seg (over could be due to misconfiguration or PC connection very slow web server) (the less the better, over 45 seconds, rather slow web) web 0-45seg Load Size 15 -200kb (ask yourself if it is greater the lower the size of your page: fewer images, fewer entries / articles, etc ...) Realize that the more size, the longer it takes to load. Requests between 15-200 (over 100 requests a page is considered pretty loaded content). Obviously, these data are only indicative. If you are interested in web optimization, here's a lecture I gave in Tenerife LAN Party 2012 on techniques to improve the speed, position and performance of your website.


Finally, and by no means least: the web page design. Many authors consider secondary, but for me it is so primal as any other point. Personally, I think the graphic design of a blog or web page should be different (identical designs or templates used very little impression give freshness). It should be eye-catching but not burdensome, use colors that do not tire the view, but not very monotonous and very colorful and appealing images. Article Image formats: Optimization Guide you have a complete and detailed list of image formats, with their characteristics and features, ideal for minimal size (faster and download) possible image) with the highest possible quality. You can also access this list 12 applications to optimize images. It is also important to note that it would be good to respect the standards set by the W3C, that although Google is not very strict with this, the simpler and better process the page, the better you "marked out". Do not forget accessibility: Javascript not abuse and provide alternative methods for browsers without javascript, try different resolutions and browsers, and ensure that all navigable page. If in addition, we provide a version for mobile devices, PDA and so on, unbeatable. 

Top 5 Best Ways To Transfer Files From Computer To Android And Vice Versa

Today on All Top 9 we came up with Android subject, a basic knowledge regarding android devices that are known to many and may unknown to few. So, the best 5 methods to transfer files from computer to android and from android to computer are published as follows.


Top 5 Best Ways To Transfer Files From Computer To Android And Vice Versa

The 5 best ways to transfer all our data from system to android or from android to system are been listed as follows.


In March this year AirDroid received an interesting update that opened the possibility to transfer files between computer and Android gestures, besides mirroring notifications on your computer and others. 

Well, why not use AirDroid to transfer all those files we have this advantage synchronized with our Android tab? And thanks to that update, it is as simple as dragging the files you want to transfer to the browser window where we open AirDroid.



PushBullet has been updated as has been advancing development towards adapting to users: notifications Android on your computer, sync notifications across devices ... but the project itself was born with the aim of making it much easier to transfer files (among others) between your computer and Android, and that is something that continues to perfection and with astonishing speed. And when combined with the recent beta Windows application, the chances are much greater.


Software Data Cable

Much talk about alternatives that we present in the cloud, but there are options available if we do locally? This application, which Axel and spoke earlier this year, allows us to transfer files betweenyour computer thanks to FTP, and among Android devices creating a WiFi hotspot to connect using the application. 

Even we can use these two methods at a time, and continue to use the cloud as a backup of your files through the application.


Droid Sync Manager

If you want to follow without resorting to the cloud for it, and the application above you is somewhat complicated or messy to use, we will always project XDA-Developers that Pedro Moya very accurately described to us back in March. Install the Windows client, our Android application and not need any more: we see all of our computer files on the phone and vice versa. 

Although the application is available on Google Play (and beta), we highly recommend that you go to the project page on XDA-Developers for you to be truly a day.


Cable: our old ally

And finally, do not want to miss the opportunity to mention a friend who is with us every day even though increasingly have more wireless enemies.

Yes, I mean the typical USB cable that doubles wire transfer and charging , and more likely to meet the basic needs that you may have on this subject with astonishing simplicity. As much as you enjoy life without wires give him a chance,he would not do the same.

These are the top best 5 ways to transfer files from computer to android and also from android to computer as follows.

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Top 10 Best Tips, If You Are An Entrepreneur And Want To Create Your First Online Store

Are you a new entrepreneur, are you looking to create your first online store ? well here are thetop 10 tips which will give you clear idea how to approach as an entrepreneur to start your very first online store!


1. Niche

In this competitive market like ours it is no longer mount generic online stores that do not differentiate. Find your niche, either it is very specific or with limited competition products covering needs that are not well covered in the market. At this point make a comprehensive business plan and analyze the product market competition and take a perfect decision to start the company based on your niche as soon as possible.

2. Suppliers 

One of the most critical points in your business, that will define the initial structure to invest and you're going to have to take many, is the same way as it will work with your suppliers. The rules are very simple, the more buying power will be at better margins and better service. If you are able to buy your product cost will be slightly higher and therefore a smaller margin. But if you buy a lot you risk that your market can not absorb it and stay with excess stock and therefore money stopped. Also you should consider the way you're going to distribute. Are you going to mount store? Will you need staff to manage it? Another way is to work with providers to 'dropshipping'system whereby the supplier ships directly from their warehouse to your own packing list. The downside of this system is in control of stocks, you should consider how to connect to your store in real time with your suppliers stocks.

Note: Before starting the business selected suppliers, sales analyzes different scenarios and assess all possible options of product acquisition.

3.Transport Agency

Whether you use your own store purchasing merchandise as if you opt for dropshipping, I recommend you work with your own shipping agent. The right choice depends on the type of distribution you have to do, the type of product you sell and the service that you provide the agency itself. Today there are many options and all are very different. Scan all items, prices, volumes, insurance of goods, delivery, connection to your store for traceability, different formulas for handling returns (that have) and change orders (they also have).


No charges and no shop today you have to offer the maximum billing formulas to avoid losing sales. It is therefore important that you negotiate with your bank for a virtual POS, but I assure you will hit the most ridiculous, but so is the banking market. Therefore I advise you to present the bank with a detailed business plan, you sell them on the idea, believe in her, after all they are going to be a provider and need.

No plantees only "need a POS" because you probably need many more things as loan equipment or technological developments, credit to purchase merchandise and cover peaks in cash, good condition transfers to pay your suppliers and employees with little financial costs , and especially to meet you as a company and take you seriously.

5.Financial Management

This point is one of the most critical, debt collection, payment and financial "health" of your company. Do not confuse profit with cash. You can be very profitable but you will accumulate many payments the same day that you have no income and then have a big problem. If you are not a financial expert, I recommend you tell one in your team, either as an employee or as a partner, but do ensure that you will always be positive or at least that will help predict when you do not will be to manage this matter with your financial provider, your friend the bank


Before and behind an online store there are people, both selling (you, your team and suppliers) as those who buy (your customers). Especially the latter need to feel that behind the store is a company and a person who will solve their problems, which are many. If you think you can create a store while working on another site 9-2 and 4-7 you can not serve your customers the way they expect and lose. Set all possible means to get in touch with them (phone, email, chat, etc.) and act like you have a physical store. Do not be shy about calling your client by phone, check yourdata, hear his voice, know who buys and know better what to expect from your shop for the best. Also before you buy you will be asked many questions about the product, the service, the company guarantees. If you do not provide them to resolve these doubts will lose sales. If you can not answer this, you need to have someone on your team to do it, you know, employee or partner.

7.Being specialist 

No mountains skate shop if you have no idea about the sport for a long niche that you had detected. Your client can not know more than you about what you are buying because you will not know what you want and offer understand your concerns. If you found a niche specialist but you're not in it you know what you have to do, count on your team to someone who is, employee or partner.

8.The management team 

With all this (and much more that has been left out) you can go realizing that you just can not carry out your business, therefore looking for partners and distributes well the functions of each or create a team of employees contemplating their costs in the business plan. I still do not know anyone who is good at everything and also have time to carry out all functions, and that in my career I have met many people who have promised me that they could with everything and have fallen by the wayside .

9.Sources of investment 

We have not yet begun to talk about the costs of the platform or of investment in marketing and I will be adding a good amount of money you'll need. The biggest cost will be the personnel and acquisition of goods, curiously like a physical store, but then you'll earn the creation of the platform and the need for investment in marketing to let you know.
With all these compared to the estimated costs of sale and the profit margin can analyze whether your business will be profitable or not capacity. But the key will be how can I get the investment we need? I recommend you repartas the following criteria. An investment of yours, sell something, get off your savings, get a personal loan ultimately take a chance. Then involve your family and friends if they believe in you will be easier than a bank or an outside investor so. With everything I got Get it done in the part of the business plan to talk about that point and present it to potential investors or seeking bank financing.
Do not ever go to them without showing them that you, your family and your friends are willing to risk for your idea because if you will not tell if you and your environment does not believe in your idea why should I?

10.Equipment technological development, design and marketing

I left this part for last because without everything else not well resolved you should consider looking for an agency for serious development. I know it's one of the first things that you thought, but if all else you're confused can not convey the correct information to your marketing and technology provider and the job can not be done with the required quality.
And with all that we've talked select a vendor that understands your project, make you love him as you and your team and fight for your idea. It is also important to know that these providers have costs for these projects that need development and monitoring of marketing that must be given, so I need to Contemplate as investment in your business plan amortizable medium term.
With all that desire to have helped find the right way to get many hits so many internet entrepreneurs who see their future.